How to take hydrangea cuttings

I have had a hydrangea plant in my garden for many years now. It is a beautiful blue variety and I keep it that way with ericaceous soil and hydrangea colourant, both of which can be purchased in garden centres or online.

All photos by Toni Abram.

Blue hydrangea flowers.

The plant is a real conversation starter, so a couple of years ago I decided to experiment to see if I could take cuttings to give to neighbours and was really happy to find how easy it is to do in just four easy steps.

Four easy steps to taking hydrangea cuttings

Step one

Take a cutting from a branch of the hydrangea about 5 - 6" long just underneath a leaf node.

Hydrangea plant cuttings.

Step two

Remove all but the top two leaves.

Hydrangea plant cuttings with leaves removed.

Step three

Cut the remaining top two leaves in half.

Hydrangea cuttings with top two leaves cut in half.

Step four

Plant and water cuttings (you can use rooting powder at this stage but I never have). The cuttings are best taken when the plant is looking its best - sometime from July onwards.

Hydrangea cuttings planted in pots.

Don't expect the cuttings to do anything much over the autumn/winter, however from March onwards you will begin to see new growth and you can expect to have a reasonable sized plant the following summer.

Hydrangea cutting in bloom.


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